tisdag 5 februari 2008

60 degrees temperature difference.

At the moment, I’m in Bastuträsk, where the temperature yesterday fell down to -23 degrees. I called Jenny over the Skype and she reported +37 degrees in Brisbane, high humidity and sun!
Here it has been around 2 h light (not sun) every day, what a contrast. Jenny also updated me about the garden issue, knee high grass and some weeds have grown big like threes reaching a bit over 1 meter, and this in just 6 weeks time. Since I have usually been in charge of the garden, Jenny did not find the proper glows to remove the weed with, but she found my precious Arlen Ness full-leather-carbon-fibre-reinforced-motorcycle-glows, they did the job she told me with a laugh.
I hope they won’t be slippery next time?...
Love you honey!

Take care all Aussis, Americans and Swedes

måndag 28 januari 2008

I Sverige utan bilder

Ja det har varit tyst ett tag från oss, detta betyder inte att vi inte lever utan att vi är hemma och tokjobbar.
Vi har varit hemma sedan den 20 dec men kommer åter att vara i Brisbane från och med den 1 feb (Jenny) och 11 Feb ( Henke)
Hoppas att ni alla får en god fortsättning på det nya året!
/ Henke & Jenny